Harbour Hall

Alumni Reunion Kicks off National Recovery Month

Aug 24, 2018

The first annual Harbor Hall Alumni Reunion will be held on September 1, 2018 at Camp Daggett on the beautiful shores of Walloon Lake.

Registration begins at 5 p.m. Friday evening. With a variety of events planned over the course of the weekend, alumni, friends and family will celebrate recovery while sharing their support and stories of healing and hope. Camp Daggett has graciously offered their facilities to help make this event a success.

“We have been a long-time partner with Camp Daggett and we are very grateful for their generosity for the use of the camp for this wonderful event.” Said Pat McGinn, Harbor Hall CEO. “I also want to thank the Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians (LTBB). Harbor Hall has always worked closely with the LTBB and we are grateful for their support of our organization.” Continued McGinn. The LTBB will perform a drum ceremony during a smoke cleansing of the grounds at Camp Daggett.

Camp Daggett Ropes Course

CAMP DAGGETT ADVENTURE CENTER Recreation is a key component to the treatment program at Harbor Hall. We are fortunate to have such great community partners who help facilitate these opportunities in Northern Michigan. Additionally, the residents of Harbor Hall donate their time to many of these organizations, including Camp Daggett, as their community service.

Food truck vendor, Burnt Offerings, will be providing food for all with live music being performed by Toby Jones. Traditional camp activities will be available through the day, such as swimming or kayaking. The evening will be spent around the campfire, listening to several Harbor Hall alumni share their Experience, Strength and Hope through recovery.

“Harbor Hall has received so much from the surrounding communities and as always, we are eager in giving back.  Camp Daggett has given the alumni of Harbor Hall an opportunity for our first ever reunion, first of many we will have to celebrate recovery, sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes.  I just want to thank everyone who has contributed and volunteered to make this an event that will leave lasting memories, it will be incredible.” Ken Van Every, Continuing Care Coordinator.

An Event to Celebrate Recovery

The alumni reunion event coincides with the beginning of Recovery Month on September 1, a national observance sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The month-long observance raises awareness of mental and substance use disorders, celebrates individuals in long-term recovery, and acknowledges the work of prevention, treatment, and recovery support services. The theme for Recovery Month 2018 is Join the Voices for Recovery: Invest in Health, Home, Purpose, and Community.

This year, the Recovery Month theme explores how integrated care, a strong community, sense of purpose, and leadership contributes to effective treatments that sustain the recovery of persons with mental and substance use disorders.

“We are thrilled that we are able to kick off Recovery Month with this very special event.  We want the community to know that treatment works and recovery from substance use disorders is real.  The voices of recovery need to be heard. Stay tuned for other events that promote recovery month in September.” notes McGinn.

For more information on this event, call Ken VanEvery at (231)347-5511.

Thank you to all who have helped make this reunion possible.

Harbor Hall wishes to acknowledge the following support from area businesses and organizations who have donated money, goods and services to support this reunion: Harbor Hall Foundation, Camp Daggett, Toby Jones Music, Snippets of Time Photography, Reusch Jewelers, Flowers From Sky’s the Limit, Northern Michigan Artist Market, Grain Train, Charlevoix City Golf Course, Whippoorwill, Family Video , City Park Grill/Palette Bistro, Cutler’s, Great Lakes Gourmet, Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts, Morning Star Jewelry, Meyer ACE Hardware, Mighty Fine Pizza, Craig Ryan, David’s Place, County Emmet Celtic Shop , Roast and Toast, McLean & Eakin Booksellers, Hamilton Hair Salon.

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